Start Preparing Your Visit to Guinea Bissau

It is about that time, do not waste any more time, we have everything you need, Let´s do this together !!

We can book your stay in a hotel in Bissau, in the various lodgings in the islands and mainland, create with you a circuit that suit you:

  • Visit the Natural Parks
  • Stay hosted in the middle of the local community (tabanka)
  • Planning kayak trips on the Cufada Lagoon
  • Observe the Chimpanzees in the Matas de Cantanhez
  • See the women of Ponta Nova, dyers with traditional methods
  • Visit Tabató the cradle of Kora and Balafon
  • Discover some islands of the Bijagos

Among many other cultural and gastronomic experiences.

See what you can experience while discovering the immense forest of one of the islands of our Bijagós Archipelago!